
For safety and privacy reasons, Avent IT Solutions, Employees and full time and part time staff are prohibited from soliciting or encouraging any person for solicitation for any outside activity or organization during work time unless the solicitation is approved by Avent and is in accordance with the requirements and restrictions of this policy. Avent defines solicitation as including verbal or written communication, raffle tickets, for-sale merchandise, e-mail distributions, circulars, handbills, or other kinds of literature or vendors or resumes.



Furthermore, Avent IT Solutions, Employees or staff should not use Avent computer and communication systems and materials - including inter-department mail, e-mail, telephone, fax, supplies, or other related workplace equipment for any purposes not directly related to workplace business and/or activities without the expressed approval of a supervisor or Avent management in writing. Any violations of this policy calls for strict actions by Avent management with or without notice to the defaulter or the person encouraging the violation.

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